Tuesday, 11 August 2009

CMD2005 Excalibur Grandmaster Chess Computer

At a first glance, this looks like and old ordinary chess set, right? Wrong! This is a state-of-the-art chess computer system. Very fancy and hi-tech computerized systems. You can play against a computer in the game of chess. *gasp* And the processors in these things run so fast, and create so much massive heat, they have to be cooled with liquid nitrogen, and the power these circuit boards eat up solving 5,000 teraflops of equations per second is the equivalent of the power used in one day for an entire skyscraper every 20 seconds! P.S. Yes, I am being an a$$hole, but it is a nice electronic chess set regardless.

1 comment:

  1. Many people love to use electronic device, they can’t sleep without knowing the technology behind it. But the real necessity of this product is to accompany the people who are alone and those who do not find an appropriate opponent to them. But it is impossible to play a timing chess in this computer, it is a program which will respond in seconds to your move.
