Tuesday, 17 August 2010


When you play a game of chess, obviously your intention is to win. Indeed, that is the objective of any chess game. This article will tell you how to win a game of chess.

When your king is under attack and is being threatened with capture, it means it is in check – that implies you must protect it from being checkmated. So you must either move your piece, capture the attacking piece (if possible), of block the attack (note that this will not be possible for a knight check). Most people usually prefer to move the king as this is the easiest option and works for most cases. Sometimes capturing the attacking piece may not be possible as the other pieces may not be aligned properly. Blocking the attack also works – you can either move a bishop or a rook, or indeed any other piece, to protect your king.

You can win a game of chess with checkmate – this means that you would be attacking your opponent’s king and creating such a situation where he cannot move or block the attack. You don’t need to actually capture the king, but you must make capture inevitable – that means the game is over. Of course, you may also create a situation where capture is imminent and your opponent player decides to resign rather than wait to be checkmated – that means even in that case you have won.

You should remember that sometimes a game of chess might end without a winner. This means it is a draw. This is through stalemate, or if both players agree to a draw. There is also the threefold repetition (where the same position occurs three times in a row with the same player to move), or the 50-move rule (where no pawn has been moved and no piece has been captured for 50 consecutive moves by either player).

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