Saturday, 27 March 2010

Can a chess computer beat the best chess players?

 Most often, chess played on a square checkered board, be it, a very simple one or a very expensive, classy and handcrafted one, gives a player immense satisfaction. It is almost always said that what can be seen, heard, touched and felt is for real and gives your senses ultimate pleasure. But it is often not so, many computer fans or even expert chess players prefer computer chess. We or even the whole world watch live the performance of the players playing chess for real and not on the computer. So if one is a stickler for popularity or wants to become famous playing chess might think twice about his idea of playing chess on the ‘screen’.

Ever since the advent of digital computers in 1950’s chess enthusiasts and computer engineers have come together to build chess playing machines or computer programmes. “Programming a computer for playing chess”-was the ground breaking paper by Shannon in 1950.Many statisticians are of the belief the though computers might be able to beat even Grand Masters but not incessantly.

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